

Confidently check application essays for plagiarism.

Checking for plagiarism doesn’t take long anymore


By utilizing SimCheck, admission staff can now focus their efforts on the qualitative aspects of the essays, such as the applicants’ writing style, critical thinking abilities, and overall suitability for the program. This feature eliminates the tedious and time-consuming manual checks, allowing staff members to dedicate more attention to the holistic assessment of applicants.

In summary, DreamApply’s SimCheck feature significantly streamlines the evaluation process for admission staff by eliminating the need to search for plagiarism in application essays manually. This time-saving feature enables staff members to prioritize qualitative assessments and make informed decisions, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the admissions process.

Don't miss an opportunity to enroll 30% more students and spend 40% less time on managing applications. Book a free consultation to learn how.

Only work emails are allowed. We do not handle or support student submissions.
DreamApply does not manage admissions or scholarships.  Please get in touch with the respective universities directly if you are a student/applicant.  DreamApply is a software company that provides universities with a student admission management system.  We wish you good luck with your applications!