
Ranking & scoring

Assign scores for various aspects of prospective student applications.

Scoring: Find the best fit students


By creating and customizing the scoring systems, you and your team can refine your acceptance procedure, ensuring you can find the best candidates.

With DreamApply’s scoring feature, you can also:

Make custom scoring criteria to reflect your university’s values and mission.
Make sure every criterion is scored separately.
Restrict access to preferred staff responsible for evaluating candidates to ensure the evaluation process isn’t compromised.

Ranking: Large volumes of data made easier to manage


Processing large volumes of applications is now much more straightforward. The ranking feature allows universities to issue bulk offers and make bulk changes in application statuses.

They can also rank the applications using the quota management feature with graphical and tabular reports across all programs. The scoring feature can be combined with the ranking feature to automatically rank students based on assigned scores.

Don't miss an opportunity to enroll 30% more students and spend 40% less time on managing applications. Book a free consultation to learn how.

Only work emails are allowed. We do not handle or support student submissions.
DreamApply does not manage admissions or scholarships.  Please get in touch with the respective universities directly if you are a student/applicant.  DreamApply is a software company that provides universities with a student admission management system.  We wish you good luck with your applications!