
What is DreamApply?

Founded in 2011 in Estonia, DreamApply is an innovation-driven EdTech organization improving access to education around the globe.

DreamApply’s application management software helps more than 300 educational institutions across 30 countries improve admissions, marketing, scholarship management and other internal processes. 



DreamApply’s easy-to-use and customizable software

  • increases student enrollment by 30%
  • reduces application processing time by 40%
  • increases international student applications by 50%.

With features designed with and for educational institutions, and integrations with commonly used systems, DreamApply empowers teams to get more done with less effort.

A prompt customer service is guaranteed for all of our clients. Configuration for new clients takes 4 weeks, on average.

DreamApply 具有經過驗證的 RESTful API,可用於開發與其他解決方案的自定義集成流程,包括您可能在機構中使用的任何專有系統。

DreamApply team photo


DreamApply boosts the productivity of admissions and marketing teams by directly addressing and eliminating pain points in workflows. Our software delivers streamlined processes and easy-to-use digital solutions for all parties involved, including applicants, education partners and staff at your institution.

Our clients experience an average of a 30% increase in student enrollment. The longer you work with the platform, the better the success rates get. University of Pavia increased its student applications by 1000% in 5 years. Discover how DreamApply has transformed admissions processes for institutions worldwide by exploring our case studies.



We will be by your side and tailor solutions to fit your pain points. Providing training and unrivalled support are essential aspects of who we are. You will have a dedicated account and project manager to support you and your knowledge as a user will be leveraged to continually improve the platform for you.

How it all started

該公司於 2011 年在愛沙尼亞塔林成立,這裡是世界上最先進的數位社會,北歐創新與愛沙尼亞的創造力、對增長的關注和對結果的渴望相結合。

Our vision


On one hand, we want to help universities to improve & automate their processes so that they can meet the expectations of modern applicants and achieve their recruitment goals.


Overall, our goal is to make education accessible globally for millions of applicants by simplifying the whole process.

Lauri Elevant,DreamApply 首席技術官

Lauri Elevant,首席技術官




訪問 DreamApply 辦公室

不要錯過機會,讓學生人數增加 30%,在管理申請上花費的時間減少 40%。預約免費諮詢,瞭解如何操作。

Only work emails are allowed. We do not handle or support student submissions.
DreamApply does not manage admissions or scholarships.  Please get in touch with the respective universities directly if you are a student/applicant.  DreamApply is a software company that provides universities with a student admission management system.  We wish you good luck with your applications!


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