
Transform your admissions process with a free demo

In 5 years University of Pavia has increased student applications by 1000% with DreamApply. You can too!

Take the next step to

  1.  Enroll 30% more students 
  2. Save 40% time in admissions management
  3. Enroll 50% more international applicants
  4. Streamline your marketing efforts
  5. Improve your scholarship management process.


Only work emails are allowed. We do not handle or support student submissions.
DreamApply does not manage admissions or scholarships.  Please get in touch with the respective universities directly if you are a student/applicant.  DreamApply is a software company that provides universities with a student admission management system.  We wish you good luck with your applications!

Explore client stories and video testimonials

Adio Terranova
Since we started using DreamApply, managing applications has become much more...
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Adio Terranova
Since we started using DreamApply, managing applications has become much more effective. The system allows us to label each step of the application process and send automatic reminders to students, significantly easing the entire process. Our feedback is more than positive. We were helped a lot by Giorgi, our Configuration Management Manager. DreamApply has made the entire application process easy and simple.

Click here to watch the video testimonial of Adio Terranova.

Adio Terranova
Adio Terranova
Akos Kiraly
SRH started to use DreamApply a couple of years ago, and...
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Akos Kiraly
SRH started to use DreamApply a couple of years ago, and we really made this decision based on the system optimization. It is very important that the system our team uses doesn't create additional work but actually lowers the workload of our admission team. We especially like the features in the system that have reduced the actual work of our admission team members. Reminding people of their missing documents, reminding applicants about deadlines and the next steps—all those steps can be automated, and the system uses a lot of those optimizations. We really like the ability to pull data and evaluate data in the live system. We are able to manage our funnel on a data-driven basis. And of course, as a university, we work with recruitment partners, with country managers, with the admissions team and with academia. It was very important to have a system where those stakeholders have access to it, and we don't spend unnecessary time moving files from A to B or sending files and applications to A to B for review.

Click here to explore a podcast episode with Akos Kiraly.

Krystina Stermole
DreamApply allows us to have all roads converge there, and then...
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Krystina Stermole
DreamApply allows us to have all roads converge there, and then it becomes a hub from which our students can find everything else that they’re looking for. So additional information, other tools, support… Everything heads to DreamApply and then leaves from DreamApply. It works as a sort of hub or fulcrum for all of this kind of movement and communication.

Click here to read more about Ca’ Foscari University of Venice's experience with DreamApply and watch video testimonies.

Alberto Lazzari
I meet a lot of colleagues at international events and we often ...
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Alberto Lazzari
I meet a lot of colleagues at international events and we often discuss our processes and the systems we use. I always share how DreamApply has supported our growth and improved our operations substantially because of how much we are able to track, we know where the applications are coming from, how the applicants are responding to our procedural changes and how we can adapt.

Click here to read more about Padua University's experience with DreamApply and watch video testimonies.

Alberto Lazzari
Alberto Lazzari
Daria Milone
We’ve had DreamApply since 2019, which is now 5 academic years...
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Daria Milone
We’ve had DreamApply since 2019, which is now 5 academic years. In the 19/20 academic year, we had 700 applications. Now, in the last academic year, 23/24, we had 7800 applications, which means 10 times more than 5 years ago. Our academic offer has increased, and our international marketing team has done a great job, but I also believe this success is thanks to DreamApply, which serves as both a great admissions tool and a marketing tool for several reasons. The most obvious reason is that it provides a window so everyone can click and see our offers and programs. DreamApply is very user-friendly, both for admins and applicants. It's easy to go through an applicant, an application and follow its life.

Click here to read more about University of Pavia\s experience with DreamApply and watch video testimonies.

Shir Taieb
JAMD est entré dans une nouvelle ère avec DreamApply - nous avons plus...
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Shir Taieb
JAMD est entré dans une nouvelle ère avec DreamApply - nous avons plus de candidats que jamais et il est facile de les atteindre et de se connecter avec eux. L'équipe DreamApply, c'est justement cela : Un rêve.
Gabor Dobos
Le système DreamApply est un système professionnel, flexible et facile à utiliser qui ...
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Gabor Dobos
Le système DreamApply est un système professionnel, flexible et facile à utiliser, capable de gérer un cycle de candidature et d'admission très complexe pour des dizaines de milliers de candidatures par an.
Merili Reismann
Notre coopération avec DreamApply a réformé la façon dont nous gérons les admissions d'étudiants internationaux et ...
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Merili Reismann
Notre coopération avec DreamApply a réformé la manière dont nous gérons les admissions d'étudiants internationaux et dont nous mesurons les efforts de marketing et de recrutement. Elle est devenue l'une des plus grandes réussites de notre enseignement supérieur. Globalement, le nombre d'étudiants internationaux en Estonie a augmenté de plus de 135 %.
Merili Reismann
Merili Reismann
Peter Arvai
DreamApply est une plateforme idéale pour gérer un grand nombre de demandes, même ...
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Peter Arvai
DreamApply est une excellente plateforme pour gérer un grand nombre de candidatures, même avec des flux de travail et des processus différents pour différentes facultés sous le même toit. Elle est très conviviale, tant pour les administrateurs que pour les candidats.
Suzanne van der Laan
DreamApply a été très utile, car il a accéléré le processus de ...
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Suzanne van der Laan
DreamApply a été très utile, car il a accéléré le processus d'acceptation des étudiants en offrant la possibilité de créer des modèles d'e-mails qui sont envoyés aux étudiants. Nous sommes très satisfaits de l'utilisation de DreamApply.