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Maximizing enrollment and retention: The value of study advisors for universities

May 2, 2023 | EdTech

As competition in the higher education market continues to increase, universities seek new ways to differentiate themselves and attract students. One of the most effective methods is using study advisors, who offer personalized guidance to prospective students throughout the admissions process.

Benefits of study advisors for universities in terms of exposure and student numbers and how a system like DreamApply, with its study advisors integrated function, streamlines the whole process of student admissions

In addition to increased exposure and enrollment benefits, study advisors can provide valuable feedback to universities about their admissions processes and strategies. By working closely with prospective students and their families, study advisors can gain insight into the factors most important to students when choosing a university. This feedback can be used by universities to refine their admissions processes and strategies, ultimately leading to a better experience for both students and staff.

Furthermore, by having study advisors as part of the admissions process, universities can improve their overall efficiency and reduce the workload on admissions and finance teams. By integrating online payment gateways in systems like DreamApply, universities can easily track and control payments, reducing the burden on finance teams and consolidating tasks between the admissions and finance departments.

Overall, study advisors are a valuable asset for universities seeking to attract and retain students in today’s competitive higher education market. By providing personalized guidance and support, study advisors can help universities build trust with prospective students and their families, leading to increased exposure, enrollment, and student retention.

By integrating study advisors in comprehensive admissions platforms like DreamApply, universities can streamline admissions processes, reduce workload, and improve overall efficiency.

Benefits of study advisors for Universities

Increased exposure

One of the most significant benefits of study advisors is their increased exposure to universities. Study advisors work with prospective students, answering their questions and providing information about the institution’s offerings. This personal interaction can help to build trust with potential students and their families, leading to a higher likelihood of enrollment.

Additionally, study advisors often have networks and connections within their local communities, allowing universities to tap into new markets and demographics that may not have been previously accessible.

Improved student retention

Study advisors don’t just provide support during the admissions process but also throughout a student’s entire academic career. By building a relationship with the student early on, study advisors can provide ongoing support and guidance, helping students navigate the challenges of university life and ultimately improve their chances of success. This, in turn, can lead to higher student retention rates and a more substantial reputation for the university.

Increased enrollment

By providing personalized guidance and support, study advisors can help attract and retain students, increasing enrollment numbers. Furthermore, by building a strong relationship with the student, study advisors can encourage them to refer their friends and family to the university, increasing the institution’s exposure and enrollment.

How DreamApply’s study advisors integrated function streamlines student admissions

DreamApply is a comprehensive student admissions platform that streamlines the entire admissions process, from initial inquiry to enrollment. One of the critical features of DreamApply is its study advisors’ integrated function, which provides personalized support and guidance to prospective students throughout the application process.

Personalized guidance

DreamApply’s study advisors work with each prospective student individually, providing personalized guidance and support throughout the admissions process. This one-on-one approach helps to build trust and rapport with the student, ultimately leading to higher enrollment numbers.

Multi-Channel communication

DreamApply’s study advisors can communicate with prospective students through various channels, including email, phone, and chat. This ensures that students can get the support they need in the most convenient way.

Real-Time tracking

DreamApply’s study advisors have access to real-time data on each prospective student’s application status, enabling them to provide up-to-date information and support throughout the admissions process.

Automated reminders

DreamApply’s study advisors can set up automated reminders for prospective students, helping to ensure that they complete their applications on time and don’t miss any critical deadlines.

Integration with other DreamApply features

DreamApply’s study advisors’ integrated function seamlessly integrates with the platform’s other features, including document management, application tracking, and student data management. This integration ensures the admissions process is streamlined and efficient, with no duplicative effort or unnecessary steps.

In an increasingly competitive higher education market, universities must differentiate themselves and attract students in new ways. One of the most effective methods is using study advisors, who offer personalized guidance and support throughout the admissions process. DreamApply’s study advisors’ integrated function provides universities with a streamlined and efficient way to provide this support, ultimately leading to increased exposure, enrollment, and student retention.

In combination with DreamApply’s marketing feature comes in – by providing integrations, detailed analytics, and reporting, universities can allocate their marketing budget more effectively to attain the best ROI.


One of the critical features of DreamApply’s marketing tool is its integration with other platforms, such as Google Analytics and social media advertising tools. This integration allows universities to track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts across multiple channels, providing valuable insights into which channels are most effective for reaching their target audience.

Detailed analytics

DreamApply’s marketing tool provides detailed analytics on various metrics, including website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. This data allows universities to understand what activities attract students, which channels are most effective, and where improvements can be made. With this information, universities can make data-driven decisions about their marketing strategies and adjust their approach to improve their results.


In addition to detailed analytics, DreamApply’s marketing tool provides reporting features allowing universities to generate reports on their marketing performance easily. This feature is particularly valuable for universities that must report to stakeholders, such as senior leadership teams or boards of trustees. With clear and concise reporting, universities can demonstrate the impact of their marketing efforts and the return on investment they are achieving.

Allocating a marketing budget

By using DreamApply’s marketing tool to track the effectiveness of its marketing efforts, universities can more effectively allocate their marketing budget to activities that are most likely to achieve their goals. For example, suppose a particular social media channel drives most website traffic and lead generation. In that case, the university can allocate more resources to that channel to maximize its return on investment.

Meeting admissions targets

Ultimately, the goal of any marketing effort is to support universities in meeting their admissions targets. By using DreamApply’s marketing tool to track and analyze their marketing performance, universities can make data-driven decisions about their marketing strategies to help them achieve their admissions targets. This can include adjusting their messaging, targeting, and channels to reach the right audience with the right message.

In conclusion, DreamApply’s marketing feature gives universities the tools to allocate their marketing budget more effectively, understand what activities attract students, and support them in meeting their admissions targets. By using integrations, detailed analytics, and reporting, universities can make data-driven decisions about their marketing strategies and adjust their approach to improve their results.

Book a consultation and find out how DreamApply can help your educational institution.

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